Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 of the 30 day challenge is my views on religion. There are really far too many specific thoughts for me to post on here, so I guess I can just share some general ones.


I think the word "religion" has gotten a bad rap. I mean, it basically is something that you habitually do in service of the deity you worship. However, this word is also overused, and the idea behind it replaces the actual act of worship, in my opinion. Many many people are "religious" and go to church, basically act "good", but are not Christians. They serve not as much out of love and devotion to their Savior but more for the reason of doing what they've always done, looking good in front of the world, and for some to earn their place in Heaven. Even true Christians sometimes are RELIGIOUS, but do not worship Christ wholeheartedly.

I admit I am NOT even close to perfect. I KNOW this. I say this as much to myself as to anyone else. We say we are Christians. We try to convince others to come to Him, but we do things that push people away, as well as pushing ourselves away from the relationship we could have with God. We may be basically "religious", but there are little things we do or don't do that make people question our devotion. Making mean comments, being prideful about our own faith, not going to church so we can do something more "fun", not tithing. The list goes on and on.

Consistency, people. God is consistent, so if we're trying to be like him, shouldn't we be consistent, too?

This is my view on religion.

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