Thursday, February 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Day 2:

Where would I like to be in 10 years?

10 years. I will be 31. Wow. I think that instead of being practical and saying where I think I probably WILL be, I will paint you a picture of where I truly WISH I would be. Here we go.

I hope that in ten years, Daniel is a music minister at a good medium sized church where they love and respect him. I hope he is able to make plenty of money, so he can provide all his family needs...and some of their wants, too. Wait, I'm dreaming here!! I wish we could never worry about money. I hate worrying about makes me have indigestion and nausea. Therefore, more money than we need, so we can do fun things as a family and share money with other people who need it.

I want a big house made of wood and stone, with a big front porch and a porch swing. I want a BIG backyard with beautiful green grass, a brook flowing through it, and a willow tree draping gracefully over the water.

I want to be homeschooling my children and doing fun things with them. I want our little family to go places and see things and enjoy being together.

I want to be very self-reliant. I want to know how to make clothes and food and other things. I want to have a garden and some cows and some chickens.

Ten years-- not so different from today. I just want to be happy with my loved ones.

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