Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 3

Well, day three is my views on drugs and alcohol.

As for alcohol, it's a bit of a challenge for me to say absolutely one way or the other. As far as I can see, the Bible says not to be DRUNK with wine, which to me does not completely disallow alcohol. However, it may be one of those cases where it is better not to begin something and have to stop yourself. It is a fact that alcohol inhibits your impulse control. It relaxes that part of your brain. This makes it more difficult to make wise decisions. Even if people say alcohol is not neccessarily BAD for you in itself, which can be debated either way, it still makes it easier to make other choices which aren't good. Under an alcoholic stupor people can go places they wouldn't go sober. I have heard of people doing sexual things and also acting in extreme ways out of anger. This in itself is a reason to generally stay away from it, in my opinion.

I also do have to say I have a problem with a lot of drinking going on when children are present. I have witnessed an event where some of the adults were drinking and left their drinks out. The children climbed on their chairs and started trying to drink the leftover alcohol in the glasses. This worries me to an extreme degree. Even if you think it's OK to drink, do you really want to encourage children to drink? Especially at a very young age. This is just worrisome to me. I truly think people should go somewhere else to drink. Do not include the children if you must do it.

Drugs. Well, I assume we're discussing illegal drugs. As a Christian, I believe we are supposed to follow the laws laid down by the earthly authorites we are under. Therefore, in general, I say NO to drugs. Putting aside the illegality of these substances, I think the same idea applies here that I mentioned with alcohol. Drugs make your brain do strange things, causing you to act in ways that are at the least unlike yourself and at the most dangerous to yourself and/or others.

My only issue with my own that the same can be said for almost anything you ingest. All foods and drinks have some affect on your brain, even if it is just, "Mmmm, this is yummy." Maybe if I eat too many mashed potatoes I get grumpy and act in ways I normally wouldn't. This could be a problem. Seriously, I don't think EVERYTHING we ingest is a drug. However, I do think we should avoid substances that cause us to act with impaired judgement.

Well, those are my views on drugs and alcohol in general. I am not an expert on anything, but I have thought a lot about these things. As of now, this is how I feel.

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