Thursday, January 6, 2011

Last Year's Stock

It's a new year. One with no mistakes in it...yet. Another Anne of Green Gables reference. (Tomorrow is a new day. One with no mistakes in it.)

Anyway, I was thinking about the new year, and I had several initial thoughts:

1. I am not making resolutions. If I do, I have set myself up for failure. I am thinking back, and I don't think I ever stuck with a resolution I made EVER. So there I am. Instead, I plan to set monthly goals. This should be more productive, since I think I will be able to re-evaluate at the end of each month and either mark it accomplished, tack it on to next month's goals, or trash it. I think this will help me to stay focused on what I want to get done.

2. Last year never goes away. It does, but it doesn't. It's like making soup and starting with strained stock from the last batch. It makes the soup more flavorful. I think this is how we SHOULD start our new year-- we should extract the best times and best lessons and use them to begin anew. Lots of bad things happened last year (jarred sweet cabbage does not make the best cabbage soup), but what's important is for me to learn things and use that knowledge to move forward.

3. God has already been here. He is here. This year should not bring fear with it, because God already knows what's in it. He has promised that He has plans for our good and not for our defeat. He has said He is with us wherever we go.

4. New Year=New Chance to do things I always wanted to do. Sometimes during the year I feel like I have missed out on my opportunity to do things, or it's too late to start now. NOW is the time to put aside those feelings and do something new. I love to have tools I can use to organize my life a little bit better. These help me with my goals. I have a planner already, and I think I will continue to use this with NEW pages from this printable planners site.

I know I need to be encouraged in this new year, and I hope to be a help and encouragement to other people, too. I hope to NOT be a stumbling block or a discouragement to anyone.

Happy New Year, faithful readers. Seize this day, for it is new and it is beautiful.



  1. SUPER! I love the soup image! Thanks for the link for the printable planners! You ARE an encouragement to me. Thank you!

  2. Wow, great and inspiring thoughts. Thank you!
