"Babies are never common." Anne of Green Gables (the movie)
At church this morning, the pastor brought up the point that babies are so special He asked the congregation who among them wouldn't love to hold Mae. Babies are so important, he said. It really got me thinking. Babies are never common. Each one is such a miracle to us. I can barely fathom the idea that a little more than a year ago Mae did not even exist. Now, she is a unique individual. No one else is like her, yet, not too long ago, she was not even on this earth.
How much more uncommon, then, was the baby Jesus? He was once a tiny baby boy who laughed and cried and rolled over and babbled. His parents probably marvelled at each tiny sigh and stroked his tiny head. To Mary Jesus wasn't just another little boy. He was HERS. Others held him and enjoyed him, but Jesus was Mary's. She hurt when he hurt, rejoiced when he rejoiced, and tears came to her eyes at the very thought of someone hurting him.
Add all this common uncommon-ness to the fact that Jesus was the son of GOD. He was a boy without sin. A boy whose wisdom astounded the teachers in the synagogue. His life and ministry alone were remarkable. His miracles and teachings were revolutionary. Yet this boy went even farther. This boy DIED for multitudes of people who would never care. Jesus was killed in the most unbearable way possible. THEN He defied all human logic and came to life again after three days of being definitively DEAD.
I cannot imagine how Mary felt. I am tearing up thinking of it. This child she loved, this miracle boy, who had done nothing to hurt anyone, was brutally killed before her eyes. When He was younger she could kiss his hurts and make them better. She could hold him and sing to Him and all would be right with the world. Now she could only stand helplessly and watch as His precious flesh was torn and His face was wracked with pain. Nothing could be worse for a mother to bear.
All this makes me stop and again appreciate two things. First, my baby girl is NOT COMMON. No matter how "inconvenient" I may ocassionally feel she makes things, no matter how much it hurts when she pulls my hair, no matter how exhausted I am, it doesn't even matter. She is worth SO much to me. She is a miracle. I can NEVER stop loving her.
Secondly, I truly take my Jesus for granted. Sounds cliche, but it is SO sadly true. I so often forget that He was someone's little boy-- not only someone's, but GOD'S little boy. Mary's little boy. He should NOT have had to die, but He did, because of an unfathomable amount of love.
This is Christmas. CHRISTmas. It's all about celebrating Him. This is Mae's very first Christmas in this world. I pray I will not only love and appreciate her to the best of my ability, but that God will give me the love He has for her. I pray I will never forget that Jesus is my SAVIOR. Not just a good guy, not just a wise teacher, but my REDEEMER, who DIED for ME. He died for Mae.
Merry CHRISTMAS, one and all. May it never become common.
This just made me cry. Very good.