Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Beautiful

This morning I sang in church. This is not so unusual for me. I have been singing in church since I can remember, honestly. But I ran into some trouble this time. Before we left for church, I could NOT decide what to wear.

Not a big deal, you say? Well, it was a BIG deal to me. I have worn all my clothes a BILLION times, give or take a few million. I haven't gotten any new skirts or dresses in a very long time. But it's Easter Sunday!! I wanted to look beautiful. I stood in front of my closet for about 20 minutes, pulling things out and putting things back, throwing things on the floor and whining quietly about how I have "nothing" to wear. Finally, I put on a shirt I hadn't worn in awhile with a vest and skirt-- a combo I've never actually worn. SO, it worked out. Who knows whether I looked beautiful or not.

Then we got to church. This morning we had two baptisms, both of them very young girls. It was so sweet and made me cry. How beautiful...truly beautiful. As I sat in church, singing congregational hymns and thinking about the song I was about to sing myself, I was stricken with the thought that this morning's clothing woes were very silly. I was reminded of what was truly beautiful. Baptisms of beautiful young girls, sermons of elderly "retired" preachers, lunches at kind people's houses, and the body of Christ as He died for the very people who spit on Him.

I am a person who admires beauty. I really do. Why, then, do I sometimes miss the TRUE beauty? I am thankful that God chose those moments, BEFORE I sang my special music for the rest of the church, to remind me of what really IS beautiful. Of what I should be worried about. There is no shortage of beauty, so why should I worry?

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