Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not Empty Now....

Today, I keep thinking about the scene in Little Women where Jo tells Professer Behr (sp?) that she is NOT married, and that she cares about him. He tells her he is poor, his hands are empty, and he has nothing to give her. She says, "Not empty now." I keep thinking that before I had Mae I felt like part of me was missing. I know God is enough for me, but here on this earth I felt like I had an emptiness. And today all I keep thinking is, "Not empty now." My arms and heart are full. Sigh. :-)

Last night during one of our feeding sessions, I was thinking about things I have learned or beein thinking about in the past week. Naturally, once I went back to sleep I forgot most of the things I had though of, but here are a few:

1. New Vocabulary: I have begun using words like "perineum", "episiotomy", and "areola" like I made those words up myself. I was also considering how, before I got pregnant I didn't understand the pregnancy counting system. How far along are you? Weeks? Can I have that in months? During my pregnancy, it became totally natural to say, "I am so many weeks." And I had to laugh a little when people would say, "What's that in months?" Funny how words and numbers change when you have a baby.

2. Sleep is FAR less important before you have a baby: I have always been one who needed a little bit more sleep than other people. I don't function as well without it, and I tend to get sick really easily if I am overly tired. NOW I have realized I CAN function with far less sleep than I thought, and also that I cannot skip any now or I possibly won't make it.

3. God made babies to look familiar for a reason: I keep considering that Mae just looks so FAMILIAR. This is probably because she looks vaguely like me or Daniel or members of our families. But I think God made her look like someone I KNOW, because then I cannot stop looking at her. I study her. She is someone I LOVE so much, even though she was just born and I do not even know her personality totally yet.

Maybe motherhood is always a thoughtful experience. I know it's a learning experience, and it is definitely a growing experience.

Quote: "Her eyes just look right into you. Well, she does have a poet for a mother." ~Lori McCulloch

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