Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ozzy Said It

There's a new Ozzy album out. YOU, the reader, if you're out there, are probably wondering how I know this, since I might not seem like the type of person to listen to Ozzy. But if you have never listened to Ozzy you might like it more than you think. He is a pretty great lyricist, and the guitar work on his albums is really cool. BUT, as a popular commercial once said, I digress.

Ozzy's new album has a song that I THINK is called "Life Won't Wait". The line that repeats is: "Life won't wait for you. No, life won't wait for you, my friend". And, well, that line is the story of my life.

My sister just got married on Saturday. She had a really nice wedding. They had a slideshow of pictures from their childhoods and then when they met each other. It was the hardest thing ever to watch those pictures of my sister and me and my parents and siblings, knowing those days were GONE. They are GONE, and will never ever return. We can't go back or stop time now. As another song says: "Time waits for no man. Seasons come and go." It breaks my heart to think of how so many times I wanted to get past things. I wanted to grow up and do grownup things. Why was I so STUPID? I guess that's the nature of people. We are always looking ahead to what we can do later and where we are going.

I want to live for today. I used to think I needed to try to do everything like it's for tomorrow. SAVE all the money. PLAN everything. I still think saving some money would be nice, and having plans is helpful. But life is TODAY. Life is RIGHT NOW. We really and truly NEVER know when it will end-- when someone we love is no longer around.

Life will still pass by much too quickly, but maybe I can live the rest of my life without regretting my attitude. I am ashamed of my previous desire to run through life.

Who wants to go for a leisurely stroll through life with me?